Unit Development Loans

If you’re seeking a loan to fund the construction of multiple properties on a single title, workspace development or regeneration initiative, then you certainly need to sort your finances with a trusted mortgage broker.

Decoding the finance formula for new residential property or commercial development loans is not an amateur broker’s job.

Anything involving four units – duplexes, subdivisions, triplexes or townhouses would need you to qualify for a commercial development loan.

Ground-up unit development loan covers the cost of the land plus part of the construction cost. Property development loans required for large scale projects typically provide 70-80% of the build cost with the prerequisite for the developer to source funding for the remainder.

“We take the time and hassle out of shopping around for the right home loan, provide expert advice and take care of the entire process, from start to finish."
Kaushalya GunasekeraMortgagepremiers CEO

With our smart exit strategy, lenders can deem you eligible. And our robust application will also set you on a positive footing as we help you fill in the documents carefully.We commit to :

Self-employed entrepreneurs
Clients who are new to Australia
Clients with bruised credit history
Clients thinking about refinancing
Quick responses on rush-deals