Bank Guarantees Loans

Stressed out on how to deal with a truckload of odds when running short of funds? A Bank guarantee loan can be your white knight – saving you heaps of pressure and anxiety with assurances of covering a loss in case of failure to settle the debt.

Offering absolute debt protection against defaults, bank guarantee loans usually come with higher costs and interest rates.

Bank guarantees are preferred to help give a customer, supplier or landlord assurances that you can make a payment.

Avoid paying in full on an upfront deposit in cash in case of security deposits, off-the-plan property purchases and supply or cross border and international transactions. You’re more likely to be approved if you hadn’t had your account in arrears in the last 3 months, haven’t declared bankruptcy in the past 5 years and have demonstrated 30% deposit or cash reserves to show your capability to operate for 3 months.

"We take the time and hassle out of shopping around for the right home loan, provide expert advice and take care of the entire process, from start to finish."
Kaushalya GunasekeraMortgagepremiers CEO

Your bank guarantee fees may differ based on the type of security offered by your bank. To understand your fees and eligibility, contact your financial advisor at Mortgage Premiers today.We commit to :

Self-employed entrepreneurs
Clients who are new to Australia
Clients with bruised credit history
Clients thinking about refinancing
Quick responses on rush-deals